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Hazel Jones
Aug 9, 20183 min read
Brief Guide to Will Disputes
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases where Wills have been disputed. This blog gives a brief overview of...

Sarah Holmes
Jul 27, 20182 min read
The gig economy in 2018
The world of work has changed; technology allows some of us to work from anywhere. If you live in a large town or city you can get food...

Hazel Jones
Jul 20, 20181 min read
New - Death Notification Service
You may have heard recently about a new service intended to make life easier for bereaved families dealing with the deceased’s personal...

Frances Bedbrook-Kelly
Jun 27, 20181 min read
Heterosexual couple win right to a Civil Partnership
The Supreme Court today handed down a Judgement which will open up Civil Partnerships to heterosexual couples who want a legal union but...

Hazel Jones
Jun 22, 20182 min read
I DO! But what should you legally do when you get engaged?
Did you know that there is a legal duty once married to financially maintain one another? You probably didn’t – it’s not something that’s...

Hazel Jones
Jun 19, 20182 min read
*(FOR SOME PEOPLE) FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC GUARDIAN The Office of the Public Guardian is making partial refunds of fees paid to...

Hazel Jones
Jun 12, 20182 min read
World Elder Abuse Day
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Day. But do you know what elder abuse is? Or why there is a day dedicated to it? If not, then read on!...

Frances Bedbrook-Kelly
May 29, 20182 min read
Everything to fight for and no money to fight with?
It is an enormous worry when a marriage or cohabitation relationship breaks down and there are children to consider with property and...

Frances Bedbrook-Kelly
May 25, 20181 min read
Relationship Broken down, don’t know what to do next?
A major worry is money. It may be that you have no money to pay for a solicitor to handle your divorce or separation. Do you have a...

Hazel Jones
May 18, 20182 min read
When Care Planning Goes Wrong
If you listened to Radio 4’s Money Box programme on 5 May, you will have heard a shocking story about how a couple may have lost their...
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