The costs for our services for representation in employment matters depends on many factors including the complexity of the case, the number of documents involved and the number of witnesses involved. The fees charged are mainly calculated using the Law Society’s guideline hourly charging rates.
We offer an initial fixed fee for £350 plus VAT with our Employment Consultant, Susanne Joseph. Susanne joined the firm in 2017 as an employment consultant having previously qualified and practiced as a Barrister in Central London. Susanne specialises in settlement agreements, unfair and wrongful dismissal claims Employment Tribunals, TUPE and redundancies and has equal experience of representing employers and employees.
We charge a minimum fee of £525 plus VAT for advising on Settlement Agreements.
The fees for representation at the Employment Tribunal ranges from £10,000 to £50,000 plus VAT and may be more depending on complexity. A clearer estimate of overall costs will be provided following the initial review of the papers and will be updated regularly as the matter progresses. Should you wish to handle the case yourself we can advise on an ad hoc basic and will charge on a time spent basis.
Claims often settle out of court in a couple of months but if the claim proceeds to final hearing it can take up to a year to be heard.
Susanne’s hourly charging rate is £350 per hour plus VAT.